Catch a break'
An enjoyable day locally is to go out fishing in Tauranga. Whether you’re looking for surfcasting, river fishing, or offshore fishing, there’s a place for you. One of the many great things about the Bay of Plenty, specifically Tauranga, is there is plenty of water to take advantage of and enjoy.
You can head out onto the water or fish from the shore, some prefer to go out on a kayak or sailboat. But others may enjoy wharf or river fishing, whatever it is you choose, Tauranga is bound to provide a fun spot for you and the family.
In addition to the rivers and lakes, Tauranga’s coastline also has a beautiful coastline that’s perfect for surfcasting. Fishing enthusiasts may also opt for Kontiki’s and other popular fishing gear. They’ll find kahawai, snapper, john dory, and gurnard, among other species.
During the hot summer months, many people flock to Papamoa Beach for their surfcasting adventures. The long coastline and its beautiful sandy beach make it an ideal surfcasting destination. Plenty of fishing spots along the long stretch of beach.
If you’re looking for a quiet place to fish, you’ll find a number of options to choose from. You can try out fishing in the harbour, or try a charter. The waters off Tauranga are full of life, and you can enjoy fishing any time of day. If you have a kayak, you can take it out for a trip. Always fish to the weather conditions.
Along Plummers Point Road, Whakamaramara, is a small wharf upon which you can fish off. As you head down Plummers Point Road, there is a gravel road which you can drive along to reach the wharf. While not the best fishing experience, it still provides an outing. A lot of eels are to be caught here.
The Tauranga Bridge Marina is a modern facility that is privately owned and operated. This facility consists of 500 fully serviced marina berths. It is also a popular place to go fishing in Tauranga.
Also available at the Tauranga Bridge Marina is a public fishing pontoon, which is the floating breakwater. This pontoon takes you out into the harbour where you can test your fishing skills. The most dominant fish that seems to be caught here is the Kahawai. The pontoon has a nice flat surface and is a great place to take the kids out fishing.
The Tauranga Bridge Marina is located just over the harbour bridge heading towards Mount Maunganui. This is a great place to go fishing as there are many fishing spots. The bonus is, this marina is within 5 minutes of both Mount Maunganui and Tauranga city shopping centres.
People often come here and fish on one of the boat ramps. You can either drop your line in an attempt to catch a spotty or cast out into the channel and try your luck. In the channel here, you are most likely to catch Kahawai and Yellow-Eyed Mullet. Perhaps… the odd Kingfish that swims through. If you are seeking a Kingfish, head over to the nearby rocks. Listed below.
30 seconds down the road from Marine Park, is a left turn off down a gravel road where you will come across an area to park. To the right is a track you can walk along until you reach the rocks. Choose from a number of fishing spots along the rocks and give it a go. Here you can fish off into the channel where you are most likely to catch Kahawai, Snapper and maybe a Kingfish.
Have a go at fishing off the shore near the Otumoetai train bridge in Tauranga, New Zealand. This is a great place to cast your line. Just before high tide or as the tide is going out is best. However, there can tend to be a bit of seaweed. Cast your line into the channel and test your luck at trying to catch Kahawai, Snapper and Yellow-Eyed Mullet.
If you tend to avoid the likes of a fishing trip but enjoy river fishing, Wairoa river is a place where you can try for a bite. Park alongside the river and find a posse or take a kayak and head out onto the water to see what you can catch. The most likely catch is Yellow Eyed Mullet.
At the mouth of the Kopurererua stream, spin out a hand line or a small rod. If you are to catch anything, it will most likely be Yellow Eyed Mullet. Water temperature doesn’t seem to play a role here.
Find below all the information you need about tide times in Tauranga. There is a nice graph along with the times of the high and low tides throughout the Tauranga region.
Check out the image gallery below of some of the best places to go fishing in Tauranga. This image gallery will be updated from time to time as will the different spots, as we find them. Some of these locations are great spots for sunrises and sunsets.
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